Tele Vue-NP101is Telescopes > Tele Vue-NP101is > Comments
Excerpt from Unsolicited Owner Letter

"All I can say is that imaging with my NP101is is a real joy in itself!"

Ilias Ntagioglou
Athens, Greece

Read complete letter with images.
From Our Blog
  • Catching Up: Linwood Ferguson's NP101is (7/12/2023)
    Two years after our first blog, we catch up with Linwood Ferguson to learn how his imaging has progressed. We were struck by his recent image of the Soul Nebula. This rich, saturated image was described as "teetering on the edge of drama" by one commentator.
  • NP101is: Imaging the Skies over Cambridge (5/27/2022)
    Always on the lookout for great examples of astro-photos made with our gear, we were impressed with Steve Greaves' collection made under Bortle 4 skies from backyard in Cambridge, UK.
  • Tele Vue-NP101is: Imaging the Skies Over Southwest Florida (4/23/2021)
    The lead-off image of this blog post is certainly an eye-grabber! It is one of the most unique interpretations of the Rosette Nebula (NGC-2237 or Caldwell 49) in Hubble Palette filters we've seen. Read our profile of Linwood Ferguson and his Tele Vue-NP101is in Southwest Florida.
  • NP101is: Imaging the Skies Over Northern California! (10/23/2019)
    Michael Stark talks about his journey into astro-photography and why he uses the Tele Vue-NP101is to achieve his goals.
  • NP101is: Imaging the Skies Over Louisiana (05/22/2019)
    Astro-imager Phil Wollenberg takes us on a rich nebula tour of the night sky with his Tele Vue-NP101is: "I have been really impressed with the sharpness of the Tele Vue-NP101is. During lunar viewing, other astronomers who look through my scope often comment on the sharpness, clarity, and lack of any false colors."
  • Tele Vue-NP101is Imaging the Skies of Rhode Island! (10/24/2018)
    We found unique takes on familiar deep-sky objects on David Augros' AstroBin account taken with the Tele Vue-NP101is refractor. He says, "this rugged refractor gives me geometrically perfect stars well outside the center of my images. The tube's wide open focuser gets plenty of light onto my full frame Canon 6D sensor, illuminating right to the edge of the field. If I take good flat frames for my imaging session, I often will not even need to crop".
  • Dr. Bruns at NEAF 2018 (May 4, 2018)
    This is the concluding post that summarizes Dr. Bruns' results with the NP101is as presented at the Northeast Astronomy Forum (NEAF) in April 2018.
  • 2017 Eclipse — the View of a Lifetime! (9/6/2017)
    The Tele Vue NP101 (visually equivalent to the NP101is) on the center-line of the Great American Eclipse!
  • Tele Vue NP101is to Test Einstein's General Relativity (3/21/17)
    This post explains why Dr. Don Bruns choose the NP101is to repeat the 1919 experiment of measuring star deflections during a solar eclipse that confirmed Einstein's theory of Relativity. (There were also several update posts after this.)

Owner's Comments
  • Greater than expected! Pleasure to use, excellent optics. I don't need XXX no more. — S.Y., Japan
  • Nice scope. Tell Al thanks for the nice phone conversation prior to purchase. — J.H., CT
  • I am very excited to own and use this fine equipment. It seems to be everything I expected from Tele Vue's reputation. — R.P., HI
  • Very well made, excellent systems approach to the design — B.P., NJ
  • Outstanding optics. Very Well Done Al!!!! — A.L., Canada
  • This scope is superb. — K.S., CA
  • It's a pleasure owning the best. — G.T., CA
  • Beautiful! — R.L., Riverside, CA
  • What a great instrument for imaging and viewing! — R.B., CA
  • Very pleased. Amazing "build". Meets my critical expectations. Thank You! — S.R., NJ
  • Everyone I have talked to assures that this is the best 4" scope made - period. — L.H., MI
  • After using this instrument I now know the difference ...!! — D.D., Canada
  • A beautiful and impressive optical instrument. — L.R., FL
  • Superb telescope Thank You! — J.B., Canada
  • Thank you for making such beautiful scopes. They are a work of art. — P.G., Canada
  • A wonderful telescope. — L.H., CA
  • Wow, fabulous fit & finish-thanks for the (wrinkled) hat, Uncle Al. — C.C., CO
  • I wanted the answer to 'Do I have the best optics?' Now I do. Thanks. — H.K., CA

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