About Al Nagler
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Asteroid 1983 RL4 was discovered by Brian Skiff of the Lowell Observatory in September 1983. After sufficient orbit-confirming observations were made, it received a permanent, unique asteroid number, 10715. The orbital characteristics identified this new body as a Maria family asteroid with an orbital period of 4.27-years, eccentricity of 0.27, inclination of 17.6-deg and closest approach within 1.9-au of the Sun.
Subsequently, the Small Bodies Names Committee of the International Astronomical Union approved a submission to rename the asteroid in honor of Al Nagler. The new designation, 10715 Nagler, became official in January 1999.
Al's moniker now orbits in the distinguished company of 7672 Hawking (physicist), 4110 Keats (poet), 4147 Lennon, 4148 McCartney, 4149 Harrison, and 4150 Starr (all musicians) among many others.
Discoverer Skiff notes that 10715 Nagler is "somewhat eccentric", like its namesake.
Discovered 1983 Sept. 11 by B. A. Skiff at the Anderson Mesa Station of the Lowell Observatory.
Al Nagler (b. 1935) is an optical designer best known for his innovative wide-field eyepieces and versatile, compact refractors. He also designed visual displays for the Gemini and Apollo Lunar Module simulators. The citation was provided by S. and A. French.