Astronomical Sketching
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Tele Vue eyepieces are the choice for astronomical sketchers world-wide.
From Our Blog
Return to the Moon with Michel Deconinck (2/15/2019)
From the South of France, this artist, with a background in nuclear physics, engineering and astrophysics, creates astronomical sketches and paintings have been published in magazines, scientific journals, and displayed at conferences and school events. In this blog post we feature his use of Tele Vue Delos and Nagler eyepieces. "About eyepiece contrast quality: this is a very important feature for sketchers. With all Tele Vue eyepieces the contrast quality is always better than with any other eyepiece I have from different manufacturers." -
The Art of Deepsky Sketching at the Eyepiece (5/16/2018)
Tom Corstjens, from Belgium, makes astounding deep-sky sketches with his 16" f/4.2 Newtonian equipped with our Paracorr coma corrector and mainly Tele Vue Delos eyepieces (also with our Panoptic). "I'm using primarily Delos eyepieces because their 72° field is ideal for sketching: full large field can be seen to the edge, but still compact enough to orientate the marker stars on sketch paper. Stars are pinpoint sharp to the edge, objects are very crisp with subtle details detectable, where other eyepieces fail to perform on this level." -
The Art of Sketching the Moon at the Eyepiece (3/21/2018) user "Tanglebones" uses a combination of Tele Vue Panoptics eyepiece with Powermate™ image amplifiers for close-up views of the Moon when sketching. The resulting sketches bring a 3D perspective to the lunar features that would be lost in photographs.