Golden State Star Party: June 21 – 25

At last year’s Golden State Star Party, Anthony DLC created this image of the Lagoon Nebula (M8 left) and Trifid Nebula (M20 right) through aTele Vue TV-NP101is and modified DSLR camera. He used 20 x 7-minute exposures.
This is his Instagram post of the image:
From June 21 – 25 this month, Tele Vue will return to the Golden State Star Party, in California’s darkest skies, 100-miles northeast of Redding near the town of Adin. Look for John Rhodes with the Tele Vue banner on his RV. John can loan you Tele Vue equipment to use for the night. It’s the ultimate try-before-you-buy experience!

More Info
- Golden State Star Party
- Tele Vue NP101is on website (mobile site)