Tele Vue's Image of the Day Winners
AstroBin Image of the Day
To promote beautiful, interesting, peculiar, or otherwise amazing astrophotographs, with a focus on technical excellence.
LDN673 with HH32A in LRGB12 July 2023Robert Shepherd
Tele Vue Paracorron 10" f/4 Newtonian
Sun - high resolution composite 20 Jun 2023Stephen Heliczer (FRAS)
Tele Vue 4x Powermateon Lunt LS80THa and DayStar Quark
(Chromosphere model) refractor
Saturn Rings Evolution Over 3 Years18 June 2023Simon Labergere
Tele Vue Barlow on C11 and ACF 16"
From Cone to Fox Fur with short exposures7 May 2023Daniel
Tele Vue Paracorr on 16" f/3.3 Newtonian
Jacoby1 Planetary Nebula HOO with RGB Stars27 April 2023Phil Brewer
Tele Vue Paracorr on 8" ONTC f/4 Newtonian
Cat's Eye Nebula and NGC-655223 April 2023Filippo Scopelliti
Tele Vue Paracorr on 600mm f/3.8 Dob
Eclipse and occultation
of Ganymede21 April 2023Michael von Berner-Purgstall
Tele Vue 4x Powermateon 10" f/4.7 Newtonian
Jupiter, Io, Ganymed and shadows22 Jan 2023Simon Labergere
Tele Vue Barlow on LX200 ACF 16"
Hartl-Dengel-Weinberger 327 Dec 2022Luca Marinelli
Tele Vue Paracorr on 10" f/4.5 Newtonian
NGC-1333 & Herbig-Haro
Objects in Perseus27 October 2022Robert Shepherd
Tele Vue Paracorron 10" f/4
Amateur Planetary Nebula:
RebPau-1 with NGC-7129 SNR19 October 2022Sophie Paulin & Jasa Rebula
Tele Vue Paracorr on 200mm f/5.4
Stephan's Quintet and IFN12 October 2022Robert Shepherd
Tele Vue Paracorr on 254mm f/4
Occultation of Ganymede3 September 2022Michael von Berner-Purgstall
Tele Vue 4x Powermateon 254mm / 1200mm
Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day
The goal of the site is to collect and archive the best Amateur Astronomy images on the internet and award a new AAPOD2 winner daily.
IC 447, Reflection NebulaDec 31, 2022Sergio E Eguivar
Tele Vue Paracorron 8" f/5 Newtonian
vdB141 - The ghost NebulaAug 15, 2021Flavio Simeone
Tele Vue Paracorron ARTEC 250 PRO f/4
The Cocoon NebulaMay 31, 2021Sviatoslav Lips
Tele Vue Paracorron Sky-Watcher Quattro 8" f/4 Newtonian
the Bubble NebulaMar 27, 2021Sviatoslav Lips
Tele Vue Paracorron Sky-Watcher Quattro 8" f/4 Newtonian
Solar SystemJan 24, 2021Maicon Lopes Nunes
Tele Vue 3x Barlowon Sky-Watcher 203mm f/5 Newtonian
European Astronomy Picture of the Day
Entry limited to EU citizens and institutions.
The Iris Nebula was European Astronomy Picture of the Day for Dec 17, 2016. This Tele Vue-127fli with FLI MicroLine ML 16200 monochrome camera image of NGC 7023 / Caldwell 4 was taken by Patrick Winkler. This 6-hour exposure was made using Luminance (B&W), with Red, Green, and Blue filters to create a color image.
AAPOD2 Picture of the Day
Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day2 is project of The Free Astronomical Society.
Horsehead and Flame Nebula was Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day2 for April 2, 2016. This Tele Vue-127fli with FLI Microline 814X camera image of Barnard 33 and NGC 2024 nebulae was taken by Gordon Haynes. This 8-hour exposure was made using Hα, OIII, & SII filters to create an image in the HST palette.
Sh2-132 'Lion Nebula' was Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day2 for January 1, 2015. This Tele Vue-127fli with FLI ProLine 16803 camera image of the Lion nebula was taken by Gordon Haynes. The 12.7-hour exposure was made using Hα, OIII, & SII filters to create an image in the HST palette.
Heart and Soul in Cassiopeia was Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day2 for November 9, 2014. This Tele Vue-127fli with FLI Proline PL16803 camera image of IC1805 and IC1848 nebulae was taken by Gordon Haynes. This almost 11-hour exposure was made using Hα, OIII, & SII filters to create an image in the HST palette.
Emission nebula in Cepheus was Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day2 for November 8, 2014. This TV-102 with CentralDS cooled Canon 40D camera image of Sharpless 140 was taken by Carlo Rocchi. Exposure time was 2.8-hours.
Crescent and Soap Bubble Nebulae - widefield was Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day2 for September 29, 2014. This Tele Vue-127fli with FLI Proline PL16803 camera image of NGC 6888 and PN G75.5+1.7nebulae was taken by Gordon Haynes. Exposure time was almost 12-hours using Hα, OIII, & SII filters to create an image in the HST palette. The 'Soap Bubble Nebula' is remarkable in that it was discovered in 2007 by an amateur astronomer imaging through a small refractor. See the 'Soap Bubble' location relative to the Crescent Nebula.
Elephant's Trunk Nebula was Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day2 for August 13, 2014. This Tele Vue-127fli with FLI Proline PL16803 camera image of the IC1396 nebula was taken by Gordon Haynes. Exposure time was 11.5-hours.
Tadpoles and Flaming Star was Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day2 for July 17, 2014. This Tele Vue-127fli with FLI Proline PL16803 camera image of IC405 and IC410 nebulae was taken by Gordon Haynes. Exposure time was over 10-hours.
Reflection nebulae in Camaleopardis was Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day2 for January 10, 2014. This TV-102 with CentralDS cooled Canon 40D camera image of VDB 14 and 15 nebulae was taken by Carlo Rocchi. Exposure time was 8-hours.
APOD Image of the Day
Since 1995, NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (or NASA APOD) has been a web resource
of the best astronomy images. To meet the enthusiastic response from a world-wide
audience of astronomy and nature lovers, the daily annotated image is available on globe-spanning
mirror-sites in various languages. At a glance, these viewers might assume
that all gloriously star-studded cluster and fine filamentary nebulae images on
the site were products of the Hubble Space Telescope or other exotic
observatory. But as the examples below showcase, some of these "Hubble-quality"
images were produced with much smaller, portable Tele Vue scopes!
Star Bubble was APOD Image of the Day for Christmas Eve 2013. This Tele Vue NP-127is and Atik 383L+ camera image of Sharpless 2-308 was taken by Jeff Husted. Exposure was made through various Astrodon 3nm filters: Ha(G)(15x20min),SII(R)(3x20min),OIII(B)(18x20min). This bubble-shaped nebula was created by a 'wind' of particles from a central Wolf-Rayet star. Read details on how this picture was made.
An "Etruscan Vase& Rising Moon was APOD Image of the Day for February 23, 2009. This Tele Vue NP-101 and Nikon 300 camera image of Moon was taken by John Stetson. The icon at left is only the middle-image of a sequence showing the Moon rising through an atmospheric inversion layer.
Rosette Nebula was APOD Image of the Day for Valentine's Day 2008. This Tele Vue 127is and Apogee U9000 camera image of NGC 2237 was taken by the team of Block and Puckett. This 27-hour composite exposure was an appropriate APOD choice for Valentine's Day: a long stem of hydrogen gas can be seen descending from the "rose".
The Pleiades Cluster was APOD Image of the Day for November 22, 2007. This Tele Vue NP-101is and SBIG STL-11K camera image of M45 + IC353 + IC1995 was taken by Tony Hallas. This remarkable color, wide-field image of the Pleiades region reveals dust lanes galore.
The Moon juxtaposed with the Andromeda galaxy was APOD Image of the Day for December 28, 2006. This Tele Vue-NP127is and Apogee U9000 camera image of the Moon and M31 was taken by Adam Block and Tim Puckett. A 22-hour exposure of the galaxy and a much shorter exposure of the Moon were made through the same equipment to maintain image scale. The resulting images were composited together.
The Sun in Hydrogen Alpha light was APOD Image of the Day for December 6, 2004. This TV-102 image of Sun (cropped here) was taken by Greg Piepol. This must be one of the most republished APOD images. It was also's Picture of the Day, ATWB Picture of the Day, and has been featured in a plethora of print, DVD and web-media. Image of the Day is the world's No. 1 source for news of astronomy, skywatching, space exploration, commercial spaceflight and related technologies. The "Image of the Day" features some of the finest astronomical images produced.
Stellar Sisters was Image of the Day for November 2, 2006. This Tele Vue-127is with Apogee U9000 camera image of the Pleiades (M45) was taken by Adam Block and Tim Puckett. Exposure time was about 7-hours.
Our Galactic Neighbor was Image of the Day for December 4, 2006. This Tele Vue-127is with Apogee U9000 camera image of The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) was taken by Adam Block and Tim Puckett. Exposure time was about 22-hours.
Closing in on the Cone was Image of the Day for April 6, 2007. This Tele Vue-127is with Apogee U9000 camera image of IC 2169 region in the Cone Nebula was taken by Adam Block and Tim Puckett. Exposure time was about 31-hours over 3-months.
Comet Swan's Omen was Image of the Day for October 13, 2006. This Tele Vue-85 image of Comet Swan was taken by Tony Cook. Exposure was 4-minutes.