Tele Vue-NP127is
From Our Blog
Unsolicited Owner Letter

Hi Al,

Thanks for our chat today. It was enlightening. More, it was encouraging to speak to you knowing that, though you are the head of a busy company, you would take the time to talk to me.

It is said that the memory of one's first love lingers a lifetime. The visions encountered at first light through my new NP127is will stay just as long.

I purchased your scope a few months back but, waited for just the right setting to look through it. That opportunity came while on my way to see this year's total solar eclipse. My son and I were in the high desert of Canyonlands, UT, more than a mile above the sea. There on a dark and windless August night, we set up the NP127is. At the eyepiece I sensed that I was looking not through a telescope but, through a portal to the sky. The stars were stripped of the usual artifacts one associates with optics. They appeared as natural, as sharp as when seen naked eye, only magnified. Saturn was etched in the eyepiece. M13 was a profusion of brilliant pins of light. Andromeda and M57, old friends, were seen anew.

I am home now, down at sea level. Here on Long Island, NY, at the bottom of the ocean of air filled with light pollution and water vapor, I don't expect to see the sky through my scope as I did in the desert. But, I remember first light and know what my scope is capable of delivering. For that I thank you and your skilled staff.


— Bob Farrell
Long Island, NY

Owner's Comments
  • A work of art to look at. A work of optical brilliance to look through. A masterpiece to enjoy. — R.L., NY
  • Great Optics — G.R., NY
  • Great Scope! — W.H., IN
  • I also own a TV85 and NP101. — K.S., CA
  • Awesome scope. — M.W., AR
  • Visual perfection. — J.L., PA
  • Amazing! — G.G., Canada
  • Excellent system - all parts make taking photos much easier. — B.P., NJ
  • My first views last night were remarkable. In light polluted skies and a full moon, Saturn was spectacular!! — K.M., NC
  • The first few experiences are excellent. — J.P., Czech Republic
  • Very pleased with scope. — S.R., OH
  • All your products are given high reviews by my club members. — G.A., NY
  • This will be the last telescope I will ever need to buy. Thanks for a superb instrument. — M.S., Canada
  • Wow! Awesome!!! — J.W., MN
  • Just plain nice!!! — W.J., NY
  • Brilliant, just brilliant, I still love my NP101 but my NP127is is just brilliant. Cheers — S.J., Australia
  • What can I say - I'm in love with this scope!!! — M.C, Australia
  • High quality of products. — D.M., TX