Tele Vue-76
Jay Pasachoff & Allison Carter Images
with Nikon D90 DSLR camera
<b>March 20, 2015 So...
March 20, 2015 Solar Eclipse from Svalbard (Norway).
Prime focus at 1/2000-sec.
<b>March 20, 2015 So...
March 20, 2015 Solar Eclipse from Svalbard (Norway).
Prime focus at 1/250-sec.

Todd Carlson's Nature Images

All images taken through the Tele Vue-76 APO refractor with Tele Vue 0.8x Reducer/Flattener (TRF-2008) and Canon DSLR.

2009 Season Images...
2009 Season Images
2007-2008 Season Ima...
2007-2008 Season Images

2006-2007 Season Ima...
2006-2007 Season Images
2005-2006 Season Ima...
2005-2006 Season Images

See our Birding and Nature Viewing site for more images and equipment advice.