Website Help
For Mobile Devices
Image Sizes on Small Devices

On small screens, you can often view a larger verion of an image by rotating the device to landscape. If the image has a maginfying glass icon in the upper right hand corner, press and hold on the image to get a zoomed view.

Browser Needs JavaScript Enabled

Your browser have must have JavaScript enabled to correctly view this website. It is on by default. You can find instruction on the Internet to check if it is enabled.

Main Menu

The number of options across the top of the screen change with the width of the screen. All options are always available at the bottom of the screen.

Pop-up Windows

Certain links on this site will pop-up a new window to display content. If you find that pop-ups don't work on this site, it may be browser settings or ad blocking software at fault. The symptoms include: clicking a second link to explicitly load the new window or no option to make the window appear. To resolve this, first examine your browser settings for pop-up blocking. If that doesn't work, search your device for ad-blocker software. It may be part of a an antivirus / anti spam package.

Viewing PDF Documents

Manuals and instruction sheets for our products are available on this site as Adobe PDF files. Clicking a link for this file-type opens the PDF document. Make sure you have a compatible PDF reader on your device.

Printing and Social Networking Icons

These icons let you share the page you're looking at through social networking sites you belong to. Press the orange "plus" button to reveal more social networks. Other features include a handy printer icon to print the page. The email icon sends a link of the current page -- a great way to email someone on a public machine. Note that you will have to press the [Send] button, answer a challenge question, and hit the [Send] button again for your email to go through.