
Tele Vue Telescope Shows and Indoor Solar Viewing

Astrofest 2018

If you’re in the New York metro area the third week in April, we’ve got a lot to show you at two back-to-back shows we’ll be at: the annual Northeast Astro-Imaging Conference (NEAIC: April 19 & 20) and Northeast Astronomy Forum (NEAF: April 21 & 22) — both in Suffern, NY — about an hours drive northwest of New York City.

We’ll exhibit an updated night vision demonstrator to show you the benefits of using our visual and smartphone accessories designed for the Tactical Night Vision Company (TNVC)  night vision monocular. This is the system that just won a Sky & Telescope 2018 Hot Products Award. In the coming months, Sky & Telescope will be publishing their test review of the system. You can get a preview of this review on page 63 of the April 2018 issue and looking at the image below.

An image of the planetary nebula NGC 7662 taken with an iPhone through an 18″ f/4Dobsonian reflector, a 7mm DeLite eyepiece, Tele Vue FoneMate™ adapter, and the PVS-14 night vision device. This is an average of a 20-image burst through the iPhone. Credit: Dennis diCicco.

At NEAF, Dr. Don Bruns will be giving a talk on the results of his experiment to measure stellar gravitational deflection near the Sun, during the Great American Eclipse last August. His result matched theory with the smallest uncertainty ever measured for this experiment in visual light! Dr. Bruns will be a guest at our booth during the NEAF show, and we’ll have the actual Tele Vue NP101is telescope that achieved this imaging feat on display for the duration of the NEAIC and NEAF shows.

Speaking of the Sun, we often reveal new products, prototypes, and other “firsts” at these shows. For instance, at the recent European Astrofest, our Tele Vue President, David Nagler, was pleased to show attendees the Sun from inside the exhibit hall. Amazing!

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