
Virtual NEAF 2021: Send Us Your Questions!

Activity in the Tele Vue NEAF booth over the years.

For a second year, unfortunately there is no actual NEAF to attend. So once again stuck in the virtual world, we thought we might be able to create a bit of the sense of what goes on in our booth at a real NEAF. We hope to whet the appetite of those that have never been and let those experienced NEAF-goers do what they’ve done for us since the first NEAF in 1991… keep us talking about how Tele Vue products can satisfy their needs!

As our “home” show, we normally pack-up every Tele Vue product for display at NEAF. It’s a wonderful chance for people to get their hands on our equipment and really see and feel the care and quality we put into our products. While we’ll miss that personal interaction the most, the other valuable aspect of coming to visit us at NEAF is that you can ask us your questions and we can show you the answer.

With your help, we can do just that!  We thought rather than listen to Al or David ramble on about esoteric product details on a video, let’s do what we do best at NEAF. We answer hundreds of your questions from eyepiece recommendations to DIOPTRX™, Night Vision, our Imaging System, even product philosophy and manufacturing questions — you name it! This is your chance to ask us your questions and we’ll respond in the video just as we would at NEAF.

So, please see the Ask your Tele Vue NEAF Question section below to ask us a question! Our intent is to create as many 5-minute video presentations as time allows to try to answer as many questions as possible during the virtual NEAF. 

But wait, you don’t know what “NEAF” is?  The annual, spring-time Northeast Astronomy Forum (NEAF) at Rockland Community College, in Suffern, New York is presented by the Rockland Astronomy club and has been since 1991. Tele Vue Optics has exhibited at every show since the beginning as well as contributing with on-stage presentations to attendees.  Our booth in the College Field House isn’t just a Tele Vue showplace: if you’ve dropped by over the years, you’d have seen major product introductions along with video interviews conducted by the major amateur astronomy media. We’ve also had guests, such as the American Astronomical Society’s Chambliss Amateur Achievement Award winner, Dr. Don Bruns, in our booth answering your questions. 

Tele Vue’s NEAF Booth Over the Years

NEAFSlideShow__0004_Al and Dennis
NEAFSlideShow__0001_Galileo scope with Al and David
NEAFSlideShow__0002_Sandy and David
NEAFSlideShow__0003_Al and Dennis
NEAFSlideShow__0000_Superman - Craig Weatherwax - with Al
NEAFSlideShow__0006_Dr. Bruns and TVO Staff
NEAFSlideShow__0005_OPT's Dustin and Nagler Family
NEAFSlideShow__0007_Dr. Bruns Al Daviid signed scope
NEAFSlideShow__0010_Joe Rao and wife with Al
NEAFSlideShow__0008_Al Night Vision Demo Long Tube
NEAFSlideShow__0004_Al and Dennis
NEAFSlideShow__0001_Galileo scope with Al and David
NEAFSlideShow__0002_Sandy and David
NEAFSlideShow__0003_Al and Dennis
NEAFSlideShow__0000_Superman - Craig Weatherwax - with Al
NEAFSlideShow__0006_Dr. Bruns and TVO Staff
NEAFSlideShow__0005_OPT's Dustin and Nagler Family
NEAFSlideShow__0007_Dr. Bruns Al Daviid signed scope
NEAFSlideShow__0010_Joe Rao and wife with Al
NEAFSlideShow__0008_Al Night Vision Demo Long Tube


This year NEAF will be virtual and free to attend online. Like the in-person shows, there will be presentations from various superstars in the fields of astronomy and space exploration. It will also run all day so feel free to drop-in from time-to-time to see what is going on.

Saturnday, April 10th
10am – 8pm EST / 7am – 5pm PST

Speakers List

    • Charlie Duke – Apollo Moonwalker
    • Tom Stafford – Apollo 10, Gemini 6, Gemini 9
    • Alan Stern – New Horizons & Beyond
    • Apollo Mission Control – Gerry Griffin, Jerry Bostic, John Aaron & Ed Findell
    • And more!

Did you observe, sketch, or image with Tele Vue gear? We’ll like your social media post on that if you tag it #televue and the gear used. Example:
#televue #tv85 #ethos #jupiter

Do you want your Tele Vue images re-posted on Tele Vue Optics’ Social Media accounts? Use this hashtag for consideration:

More Info
  • Visit our website to learn about Tele Vue products and ask us your questions below.
  • On April 10th, visit the virtual NEAF to see your question answered!


Latest TVO News

Ask your Tele Vue NEAF Question
Questions are now closed. Tune into the NEAF channel on Saturnday, April 10th to see our answers to your questions. The videos will also be posted to our YouTube Channel when NEAF 2021 is over.