
AstroFest Update: Friends New and Old

One of the best experiences of shows like this is getting to meet our customers. Richard came to the Widescreen stand asking for eyepiece recommendations for his NP101is. He “sheepishly” admitted that he bought the NP101is because he was getting into imaging. He already owned an NP101 but wanted the enhanced features of the “is” version and the plan was to sell the original NP101. Well as we’ve heard from many Tele Vue telescope owners: he just couldn’t part with an old friend. Richard still owns his original NP101 and images with his NP101is.

Widescreen Centre Stand: Dave Nagler with Richard (AKA: Mr. NP101).

It’s always fun to meet up with our friend who needs no introduction: Scott Losmandy. He and Tanya are at European AstroFest for the first time and it looked like they were enjoying themselves all day long — and it was a long day. Stay tuned for their impressions.

Scott Losmandy and David Nagler at AstroFest.

Feb. 10 & 11: European AstroFest in London
See Live Events schedule on our website
Our NP101is page