Astro ImageNP127isParacorr

#televue40: Deep Space Objects

At the beginning of 2017, in honor of Tele Vue’s 40th year, we asked you to tag your social media images taken with or taken of Tele Vue equipment with the hashtag #televue40. You did so and there are too many images to highlight them all, but we’ll bring you a few at a time though these blog posts.

Some of the many Deep Space Objects, imaged with Tele Vue equipment, that were taken or processed during our 40th year. See the following text for credit and copyright notices.

This installment features gorgeous images of Deep-Sky Objects (DSOs) taken with Tele Vue hardware. Some of the images are in Hydrogen-alpha (b&w) and others full-color.  Exposure times range from hours (one night’s work) to over a day (several nights work)!

Panagiotis Xipteras‏  (Twitter: @xipteras) had his Tele Vue TV-NP127is images featured in our blog this past September (Tele Vue-NP127is: Imaging the Skies Over Europe) and continues to produce exemplary and well-thought-out images with the scope. Below is his recent image of NGC 1528 in Perseus.

The Soul Nebula was another target for his TV-NP127is.

Oleg Bryzgalov won an Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2017 award this September in the Galaxies category with this image below: M63 – Star Streams and the Sunflower (all rights reserved). He used his home-built,  10″, f/3.8, fast reflector equipped with Tele Vue’s 2″ Paracorr Type-2 photo/visual coma corrector to nail down the edges of the field.  A QSI 583wsg  camera with LRGB filters was used for the 22-hour total exposure. We congratulate Oleg on the recognition he’s achieved and look forward to seeing more of his images on flickr. Oleg and his images were profiled on our blog back in May (see: 2” Paracorr Type-2 User Profile: Oleg Bryzgalov).

M63: Star Streams and the Sunflower Galaxy

Oleg’s colorful image below, NGC 2170: Still Life with Reflecting Dust (v.2016) (all rights reserved), uses the same setup as above and was made from images taken in 2015 and 2016 for a total of 25-hours exposure.

NGC 2170: Still Life with Reflecting Dust (v.2016)

Niels Haagh is @astrodane on Instagram and displays images he and others have taken with the Tele Vue TV-NP127is.

Latent0Image on flickr also images with the popular Tele Vue TV-NP127is scope. This stark b&w Crab Nebula (M1) image (some rights reserved: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) was made using a ZWO ASI178MM-Cool camera with Baader 7nm H-α  filter for over 2-hours of exposure on November 24, 2017.

The Crab Nebula

The ever awe-inspiring Pillars of Creation (all rights reserved) in the Eagle Nebula was taken with the same setup but exposed for 4-hours over 4-nights.

The PIllars of Creation

Jay W. Butler’s NGC7293 Helix Nebula on flickr  was made with his 10″ f/4.1 reflector and our larger  Tele Vue BIG (3”) Paracorr  Type 2 coma corrector connected to an STXL-16200M camera. Almost 7-hours of exposures were taken from Oct 15-17, 2017 through HRGB filters for the final result. Jay was profiled in our blog in a posting this past May (read: BIG Paracorr User Profile: Jay Butler).

More Info

Paracorr Type-2 system includes: 2″-1¼” adapter (top), Tunable-Top (middle), & Paracorr Type-2 body (bottom).
BIG Paracorr Type-2 (VIP-3010) is the 3″ version of the Paracorr designed for imaging with big chips. Click to enlarge diagram.
Tele Vue-NP127is: 127mm aperture, f/5.2, flat-field APO (Nagler-Petzval) Refractor.

Did you observe, sketch, or image with Tele Vue gear? We’ll like your social media post on that if you tag it #televue and the gear used. Example:
#televue #tv85 #ethos #jupiter

Do you want your Tele Vue images re-posted on Tele Vue Optics’ Social Media accounts? Use this hashtag for consideration: