
Cherry Springs Star Party This Weekend!

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at the Cherry Springs Star Party (CSSP) this year in Coudersport, PA. I’ll be bringing some goodies to show and hoping the weather will be better than last year!
Double rainbow thrilled attendees at CSSP 2015.

Bandmate Type 2 Filters
Have you seen our new Bandmate Type 2 filters yet? Come to our tent and we’ll show them to you!  Produced for Tele Vue, in Germany, by Astronomik, these are among the finest trio of narrow band filters available today. The Bandmate Type 2 Nebustar narrowband UHC-type filter cuts out the red for more natural looking stars and enhanced nebulosity. The OIII will be your go-to filter for enhanced views of planetary nebulae.  Finally, the filter enhances nebulae that are strong in hydrogen line emissions such as the Horsehead and California.  All filters are available in 2″ and 1¼” sizes.
New for 2018: Bandmate Type-2 Filters
Night Vision Demo
Our Tactical Night Vision Company  / Tele Vue night vision demo always draws interest from amateurs wishing to expand the visual magnitude limits of their telescope. Dennis di Cicco recently gave the system a thumbs-up review in the June issue of Sky & Telescope. See full article, “Image Intensified Observing” here. 
For fast DOB owners there’s another big advantage beyond the obvious light amplification.  Since the night vision monocular objective has a far larger entrance pupil than any human eye, it is essentially unaffected by shadowing from the secondary mirror regardless of the telescope-eyepiece combination. That means fast DOB owners can observe larger true fields of view than ever before and without wasting any of the objective’s aperture.
An image of the planetary nebula NGC 7662 taken with an iPhone through an 18″ f/4 Dobsonian reflector, a 7mm DeLite eyepiece, Tele Vue FoneMate™ adapter, and the PVS-14 night vision device. This is an average of a 20-image burst through the iPhone. Credit: Dennis diCicco.
Mars Madness Eyepieces
Our Mars Madness Rebate for select eyepieces, 13mm and shorter, purchased by customers in the USA, US Territories, and those with APO/FPO addresses, runs from June 1 to July 31, 2018. We’ll have most of our eyepieces on display and Tele Vue’s Jon Betancourt will be loaning them out and offering cleaning assistance for your Tele Vue eyepieces. Tele Vue dealers will be on site to provide you with great deals.  There’s nothing like being able to use your new your new eyepiece right away at a star party!
While the big news this year is the Mars opposition in July, note that the Saturn opposition is just two-weeks away and Uranus and Neptune will be in opposition in the fall.  For the finest “tunable” planetary eyepiece we recommend the 3-6mm Nagler Planetary Zoom. This  is a “must have” eyepiece for obtaining the highest possible useful planetary magnification on a given night due to the ever-changing atmosphere. 

Mars Madness 2018 Eyepiece Rebates

11.0 Plössl10 11 1¼" 50 8 9.1 2.2
8.0 Plössl10 8 1¼" 50 6 6.5 1.8
13.0 DeLite25 13 1¼" 62 20 13.8 7.8
11.0 DeLite25 11 1¼" 62 20 11.7 7.1
9.0 Delite25 9 1¼" 62 20 9.6 7.3
7.0 DeLite25 7 1¼" 62 20 7.5 7.3
5.0 DeLite25 5 1¼" 62 20 5.3 7.5
4.0 DeLite25 4 1¼" 62 20 4.3 7.6
3.0 DeLite25 3 1¼" 62 20 3.2 7.8
12.0 Delos35 12 1¼" 72 20 15 14.4
10.0 Delos35 10 1¼" 72 20 12.7 14.4
8.0 Delos35 8 1¼" 72 20 9.9 16.0
6.0 Delos35 6 1¼" 72 20 7.6 16.0
4.5 Delos35 4.5 1¼" 72 20 5.6 17.6
3.5 Delos35 3.5 1¼" 72 20 4.4 17.6
13.0 Nagler T630 13 1¼" 82 12 17.6 6.4
9.0 Nagler T630 9 1¼" 82 12 12.4 6.7
7.0 Nagler T630 7 1¼" 82 12 9.7 8.0
5.0 Nagler T630 5 1¼" 82 12 7 7.9
3.5 Nagler T630 3.5 1¼" 82 12 4.8 8.5
13.0 Ethos65 13 2" & 1¼" 100 15 22.3 20.8
10.0 Ethos65 10 2" & 1¼" 100 15 17.7 17.6
8.0 Ethos60 8 2" & 1¼" 100 15 13.9 15.2
6.0 Ethos60 6 2" & 1¼" 100 15 10.4 15.5
4.7 Ethos-SX65 4.7 2" & 1¼" 110 15 8.94 20.8
3.7 Ethos-SX65 3.7 2" & 1¼" 110 15 7.04 17.6
Nagler Zoom
40 6-3 1¼" 50 10 5.1-2.6 5.3
Telescopes and Mounts
We’ll have our very portable Tele Vue TV-85 on our wood Panoramic mount setup for you to see and try. We’re also bringing our Tele Vue NP-101is scope on our heavy-duty Gibraltar HD4 mount. The NP101is is the same model as used by Dr.  Donald Bruns, who received the American Astronomical Society’s Chambliss Amateur Achievement Award this year “for his successful recreation of, and improvement upon, Eddington’s iconic deflection-of-light experiment during the 2017 total solar eclipse, which represents a tour de force in careful observing and calibration.” Don and I signed the very Tele Vue-NP101is telescope used for this ground-breaking “amateur” experiment at the recent  Northeast Astronomy Forum (NEAF) where he gave his talk:  Einstein was Right! Completing the 1919 Relativity Experiment at the 2017 Solar Eclipse. 
Al Nagler and Dr. Bruns pose with NP101is used for the eclipse experiment.
Rotarion Automated Turret
We’ll also have special treat as we will be demonstrating the first Rotarion automated turret with built-in Tele Vue Everbrite diagonal for use with refractors!  This joint project between Tele Vue and AstronSCIENTIFIC is designed to minimize the path-length through the Rotarion to allow refractors to reach infinity focus without the need for additional corrector optics.  Alvaro Martinez, founder of AstronSCIENTIFIC has flown over from Barcelona, Spain and will be at our CSSP table demonstrating the many visual and imaging capabilities of the Rotarion on our Tele Vue-NP127is. 
Al Nagler with AstronSCIENTIFIC founder Alvaro Martinez.
Tele Vue Dealers
Some Tele Vue dealers will be at CSSP.
Tele Vue’s dealers will be at the show including (top-to-bottom) Skies Unlimited, Camera Concepts, and Outdoor Sport Optics (Mike Peoples).
More Info

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